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fluxionary calculus中文是什么意思

用"fluxionary calculus"造句"fluxionary calculus"怎么读"fluxionary calculus" in a sentence


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  • Revelation of american textbook quot; fluxionary calculus quot; on mathematics education in the popular higher education
  • Based on the theory of technical innovation and technical innovation diffusion elaborated , as well as fluxionary calculus and game theory , the thesis analyses corporation adoption with game theory in the process of technical innovation diffusion : analyzes in the situation of information symmetry and information asymmetry the gambling between the supplies and the latent users of innovation , discusses the mechanism of the phenomenon " reversion choice " with emphasis in the situation of information asymmetry , and also introduces signal transmission model and information screen model to realize pareto improvement ; at the same time it analyzes in the situation of complete rationality and limited rationality the gambling between the latent users of innovation
用"fluxionary calculus"造句  
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